Monday, November 18, 2013

In response to Plastic Bag Ban Bad...

There are some very valid points when discussing the issues behind plastic bag ordinance in Austin in this commentary but here is where I disagree. 
I do not think the cost of plastic bags vs. the cost of paper bags is the issue in which the ordinance is combating.  The main issue is plastics come from oil.  This ordinance is one of the first steps of many in conserving oil until a new resource, which has as versatile an impact as oil, is discovered or manufactured.  It is used in plastics, in cars and bags, to pesticides, and fuel in vehicles from tractors, boats airplanes and automobiles.  Fossil fuels take eons to create, and the best way to recreate this “gold” still takes too long and cannot meet the consumer demand of the global population.
Another point in argument is that the lack in plastic bag production has cost the 4500 jobs, might very well be true.  On the other hand, I think these jobs were already at risk, not due to any other product but due to health concerns.  Some information available to the public notes health concerns which stem from even handling plastics much less being in the lab which makes these products! 
If everyone recycles then we would not have an issue with plastic bags destroying the environment, but to say everyone remembers to recycle, and then goes out of their way to do so is a tall tale. 
I despise the ordinance as well. Paying for bags because I forgot mine at home again! But then I put it into perspective and then appreciate what is trying to be accomplished.

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